
The February Meeting

A good attendance of members at this meeting were treated to an excellent presentation  on ‘Miniature Orchids’ by Zsuzsa Seder of Spicesotic Plants. Rather than using slides Zsuzsa illustrated her talk with actual plants many of which were in flower. Obvious miniatures included Masdevallias and Pleurothallids but the range extended to species such as Aerangis […]

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The January Meeting

Despite a cold January night a good number of me 137 orchid generambers enjoyed a video presentation on the “Orchids of the Philippines’ by Jim Cootes, an Australian orchid expert. The Philippines cover a land mass of over 300,000 square kilometres and is made up of 7,641 islands, many, as Jim explained, being less than

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The December Meeting

By tradition the December meeting is our festive buffet and the chance for a good old “mardle” as they say in Norfolk. We began with welcoming two new members who are joining us and then set about answering a couple of quizzes kindly devised by Joan and Jack Butcher. As usual no-one attained a perfect

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The November Meeting

This month we welcomed two new members to our Society. Our annual Plant Auction attracted a good audience and with a wide selection of species and hybrids on offer bidding was fast and furious. This resulted in over £100 worth of sales with the commission swelling our funds and many happy buyers and sellers. We

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The October Meeting

This month we welcomed Michael Radley from the Orchid Society of Great Britain who entertained us with an account of a visit to the Eric Young Orchid Foundation on the island of Jersey. The visit was only planned for a couple of hours but was so interesting it lasted for an afternoon. The Foundation was

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The September Meeting

September saw our first meeting at the Costessey Centre, our new venue. It was certainly a welcome change, with well lit car parking and a warm and comfortable meeting room. The evening was given over to a presentation by Bryan Adams on ‘Repotting your Orchids. Every stage of the repotting process was explained and demonstrated

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The August Meeting

The evening was given over to a PowerPoint presentation by Chris Barker of the Darlington O.S. entitled ‘Victorian Orchidmania’, courtesy of the British Orchid Council.He began by showing how orchid growing in Victorian times was the delight of the rich, with the Duke of Devonshire having the world’s largest collection at Chatsworth House, housed in

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The July Meeting

This month we showed a presentation on the Bulbophyllum presented by Bill Thoms, awell known grower and hybridizer of this genus. The presentation was produced by the American Orchid Society and presented to the British Orchid Council during Bill’s lecture tour in 2016. He demonstrated how using his ‘WAFL-HS principles of growing he has produced

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The June Meeting

The June meeting was given over to a Plant Clinic. Three of our members, Bryan, Jack and Colin, were the panel which tackled questions ranging from aphid infestations to repotting media, with everything in between including feeding orchids, dividing and re-potting. Various forms of potting media were discussed regarding their respective merits and their suitability

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The May Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held this month. Following the opening of the meeting by the President the Chairman and officers presented their reports. This was followed by the election of officers and committee. The B.O.C Tankard for the most table show points gained in the year was won by Bryan Adams,

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