Since Covid 19 our customary events such as plant auctions, plant clinics and social meetings have been moved around a bit. This month saw the annual social evening, which normally takes place in January. However this did not spoil our enjoyment of the evening.
Our chairman Min provided us with her usual devilish quizzes that I can never work out, but those clever members who did were rewarded with the traditional President’s prizes. We then turned our attention to the superb buffet to which members had contributed, a big thank you to everyone.
With so much food being brought to the meeting it was not surprising that the table show was smaller in numbers than recently, but still displayed some interesting plants.
In all it was a very enjoyable evening which we will do again in January.
The Table Show
With so much food to carry to the meeting only a few members managed to stage plants for the table show. This month’s winner was Bryan Adams with a mounted plant of Bulbophyllum hirondis. This attractive species, with its slender elongated sepals, hails from Taiwan and Vietnam. Bryan grows his plant under intermediate conditions.